Welcome to Animal Jam Mercury! I hope Peridot does not take over the Animal Jam Mercury! Make sure to use the code BEANO to get 1000 gems!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Twisted Coat Hanger/Build A Periscope!

Hey Snoodle  Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
A Twisted Coat Hanger!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 500 gems.
The DE gave us an AJA for
Build a Periscope!
Here is Weekly Overview!
Here is everything we did  this week!
That was Weekly Overview!

Have Fun!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Skis/How Do I Reactivate a Membership?

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It  is...
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 400 gems.
The DE gave us a tip about
How Do I Reactivate a Membership?
No Mystery Friday Today.

Have Fun!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Star Lamp/News Crew Favorite Spot in Jamaa!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We  got a new item!
It is...
A Star Lamp!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture
for 400 gems.
The DE gave us a News Crew for
Favorite Spot in Jamaa!
Here is Beta Item Thursday!
This week's beta is...
Wishing Wells!
These items were available in  2011.
They were only at the Chamber of Knowledge and no longer available.
That was Beta Item Thursday!

Have Fun!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Moon Lamp/Jammer Art Polar Bear Snowball Fight!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
A Moon Lamp!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 400 gems.
The DE gave us a Jammer Art
for Polar Bear Snowball Fight!
Here is LPS Spotlight!
This week's LPS is...
Walkables Guinea Pig!
This pet comes with accessories,
a set, and a guinea pig.
That was LPS Spotlight!

Have Fun!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sun Lamp/Arctic Wolves Can Endure Cold Climates

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
A Sun Lamp!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 400 gems.
The DE gave us an AJHQ Spotlight for
Arctic Wolves Can Endure Cold Climates!
Here is Fashion Tuesday!
This week's fashion idea is...
The "Gift"!
Polar Bear: You can get it next week
Jamaaliday Gift Shoes: Trading System
That was Fashion Tuesday!

Have Fun!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Rare Sparkly Boa/DE Post!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new rare!
It is...

A Rare Sparkly Boa!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 850 gems.
Here is a redo of the rare!
The DE gave us a post about the rare.
Here is Play Wild Monday!
This week's den idea is...
The Ice Den!
Add random ice items in this ice den.
That was Play Wild Monday!

Have Fun!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hockey Skates/Design a Desktop Background

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
Hockey Skates!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 400 gems.
The DE gave us a Diamond Challenge for
Design a Desktop Background!
Here is Jammer of the Week!
This week's Jammer is...
This Jammer is cool!
That was Jammer of the Week!

Have Fun!

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