Welcome to Animal Jam Mercury! I hope Peridot does not take over the Animal Jam Mercury! Make sure to use the code BEANO to get 1000 gems!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bone Tail/AJ Pumpkin Stencils!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have a new item!
It is...
A Bone Tail!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 1000 gems!
The DE gave us a post about
AJ Pumpkin Stencils!
Here is today's video from Thinknoodles!
Here is Weekly Overview!
Here is everything we did this week!
That is Weekly Overview!
See you next Week!
The Fun Activities start in 13 days!


Friday, October 17, 2014

Monstrous Hair/A Couple Weeks until Halloween!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have new items!
They are...
Monstrous Hair at Jam Mart Clothing,
Epic Dragon Wings at Epic Wonders,

And Spooky Lamp and Coffin at Outback Imports.

The DE gave us a post about 
remembering to play nice!
Here are some special videos!
All of them are from CPCheatzGang!
Here is Mystery Friday!
Did you know that when you click on the
candy apples they bite?
Tell me in the comments who bit them!
That is Mystery Friday!
See you next Friday!
A couple weeks until Halloween!


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bubbling Cauldron/Author Raffle!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have a new item!
It is....
A Bubbling Cauldron!
It is at Epic Wonders for 1250 gems!
The DE gave us a post about 
Jammer Snaps for Egyptian Items!
Here is today's video from AnimalJammer CupcakeAJ!
Here is Beta Item Thursday!
Today's Beta item is...
Bat Masks!
`Bat Masks were in stores once.
They were along with other items.
Jammers win it in the Forgotten Desert now.
That is Beta Item Thursday!
One of the special activities are an 
I will have a random list of authors and
I will randomly pick 2 authors to come on Snoodle's Blog.
I will put one author on 1 date,
and I will put the other author on the other date.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Epic Dragon Skull/AJ Comic!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
There is just 1 new item today.
It is...
An Epic Dragon Skull!
It is at Epic Wonders for 600 gems.
The DE gave us an AJ Comic!
Here is today's video from Waterkid 101!
Here is LPS Spotlight!
Our LPS is...
Pets Only Clubhouse with 4 more pets!
This playset comes with the Pets Only Clubhouse,
But with 4 more pets!
It comes with a cat, a turtle, a dog, and a sugar glider.
That is LPS Spotlight!
See you next Wednesday!
Our special activities and Halloween countdown are 
on the right!

So Scary!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Spooky Fence/Winner of Halloween Contest on Halloween Costume Tuesday!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have 4 new items!
They are...
Evil Jack-o-Lantern at Treetop Gardens,
Spooky Fence at Outback Imports,
And Jack-o-Lantern Head and Skeleton Mask at Bahari Bargains.
The DE gave us a post about 
submiting artwork!
Here is today's video from Ijubisa2000!
As you see on my CP blog,
For Halloween Costume Tuesday,
the winner of my extra contest is...
Flying Cupcake Bunny!
Bunny: 1000 gems
Cupcake Hat: Trade System
Deer Fur: 450 gems
Mech Angel Wings: Adventures
Diamond Encrusted Gauntlets: 1 diamond
That is our Flying Cupcake Bunny!
See you next Tuesday!
A Very Fun Halloween is coming up!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Rare Cupid Wings/Fun Stuff Happening on Halloween!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! This is a very quick post. Also it is Rare Item Monday!
Our Rare is...
Rare Cupid Wings!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 975 gems.
The DE gave us a post about
the rare.
Here is today's video from CPHax2!
Here is Play Wild Monday!
This week's den idea is...
A Candy Shop!
First, Get Candy Items from Bitter Sweets.
Next, Get the Wallpaper and Floor.
Last, Add more Items!
That is our Play Wild Monday!
See you next Monday!
I am making a blog about Club Penguin Private Servers!
It is coming soon!
Lots of Fun things are happening on Halloween!
Ask Snoodle, Author Raffle, and the CPPS blog!

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Spooky Table/New CP Post!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! This will be a quick post.
The New item is....
A Spooky Table!
It is at Outback Imports for 450 gems.
The DE gave us a post about 
a diamond challenge!
No video today.
Our Jammer of the Week is....
She is my friend!
That is Jammer of the Week!
See you next Sunday!
No Halloween Story today.


Eyeball Antenna/Ask Snoodle coming on Halloween!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item! It is...
Eyeball Antenna at Jam Mart Clothing,
And Scared, Surprised, and Angry Jack o Lantern at Treetop Gardens.
The DE gave us a post about
Sketch Jam Puppy!
Here is today's video from Slidoo AJ!
Here is Weekly Overview!
here is everything we did this week.
That is Weekly Overview!
See you next week!
Don't forget that Ask Snoodle is on Halloween!


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