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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pet Elephants/Jammer Snaps Veggies and Fruits!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new update!
Here is our update!
Pet Elephants are here!
They are at the Diamond Shop for 3 diamonds.
Wind Armor is back!
It is all at the Diamond Shop.
There is also a Lynx minibook!
The Trade System has been improved!
Here is a picture.
September 22 is World Rhino Day!
In celebration of it, Rhinos
are on sale for half off!
You can become a rhino
for only 500 gems!
The kangaroos are travelling!
Autumn is here, that means
Night of the Phantoms is around the corner!
Some trading tips.
The DE gave us a Jammer Snaps
for Veggies and Fruits!
Here is Beta or Random Item Thursday!
This week's beta is...
Wood Floor!
This was also mistaken as beta,
but, it was not beta.
It was released after the Beta Days.
That was Beta Item Thursday!
I decided to move Snoodle's Sketches
to Friday because I want to.

Have Fun!

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