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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Moon Lamp/Play Wild Beta pictures!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got another new item that goes with the sun!
It is.....
A Moon Lamp!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 400 hems.
Here is what the new item really looks like!
The DE gave us a vote for Favorites
of 2014!
No video.
Here is Beta Item Thursday!
This week's beta is....
Zombie Masks!
These are one one of the Halloween Items.
That is Beta Item Thursday!
See you next Thursday!
Here is Snoodle's Sketches!
This week's sketch is a penguin and a polar bear
from one of the loading screens.
Do you know Play Wild Beta?
I do not have it yet.
Here are some pictures!
The Play Wild Beta pictures are from Animal Jam Paw Up.

The last picture is the Twitter post from AJHQ's CEO,
Clark Stacey.
Picture is from Animal Jam Spirit.

Have Fun Jamming!

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