Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item and an update!
Our new item is.......
A Lily Rug!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 400 gems.
Here is what Lily Rugs really look like!
Here is our update!
Cheetahs are back!
They are at the Diamond Shop for 10 diamonds.
There is a new buddy game
called Bowling! I will
put the video of Bowling in
action later.
The Mechanical Future set won the
Den Item Contest!
Make sure to check back on
new Mechanical Future items!
Otters are traveling
to see the sights!
On May 28, otters will
no longer be in the Diamond Shop,
Jammers who already have
an otter can make new ones,
but you have
two weeks to purchase
an otter before they start
their travels!
Here is a new exhibit in
honor of the returning cheetahs called
Speed in Nature!
The Summer Carnival is coming
to Jamaa! Get ready for
games, prizes, and lots
of fun all summer long!
Old news about Spring bunnies.
The DE gave us an
AJ Myth Busters
for Setting the record straight!
Here is LPS Spotlight!
This week's LPS is.....
#2291 Sparkle Cat!
This cat is a glitter
cat. It comes
with a bowl accessory.
The bowl is blue.
That is LPS Spotlight!
See you next Wednesday!
See you with your cheetah!
Don't forget to use the code
newyear15 to get.....
500 GEMS!!!