Welcome to Animal Jam Mercury! I hope Peridot does not take over the Animal Jam Mercury! Make sure to use the code BEANO to get 1000 gems!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Chest of Gems/Winner's Tomorrow!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have a new item! It is....
A Chest of Gems!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 600 gems.
The DE gave us a post about
Marvelous Monkey Facts!
Here is today's video from BluPetalFeet!
Here is Weekly Overview!
Here is everything we did this week!
That is all of our Weekly Overview!
See you next week!
The Hay Bale is leaving! Hurry up and buy it!
Here is our last Halloween Picture of the week!
Candy Corn Trees!
The Winner of our Pumpkin Mask is tomorrow!
Hint: She is a great, loyal, and rare jammer!
Someone will get it!

Have Fun Jamming!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Stone Vanity/Special Videos are back!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have a new item! It is....
A Stone Vanity!
It is at Outback Imports for 550 gems!
The DE gave us a post about
Otter Adoption!
Special Videos are back!
Special Videos are 3 special videos every Friday!
First one is from A  EPF Blackout? ROOKIE!!!!!!!
An EPF Blackout? ROOKIE!!!!!!!
Second from iHasCupquake 
Last from Chrissie Shows
Chrissie Shows
That is all of our Special Videos!
Here is Mystery Friday, CLUB
On my player card when my membership
Can you see that star? 
Tell me in the Comments
what it means!
That is all of our Mystery Friday!
See you next Friday!
The Bicycle is leaving! 
Hurry up and buy it!
Here is a Halloween fact and
a picture!
Woah, 1100 different bat species?
Spooky Phantoms!

Have Fun Jamming!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Caged Phantoms/Halloween!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have a new item that is perfect for Halloween!
It is....
Caged Phantoms!
They are at the Diamond Shop for 1 diamond.
The DE gave us a post about 
Pet Sugar Gliders Jammer Snaps!
Here is today's video from Epic LPS Television!
Here is Beta Item Thursday!
Our Beta Item is...
Wizard Hats!
Wizard Hats are from Jam Mart Clothing 
during Night of  the Phantoms.
People trade them now.
That is all of our Beta Item Thursday!
See you next Thursday!
Halloween is in Jamaa 
ready for the next update!
more info in Snoodle's Extras!
Here is me by the tombstones at Jamaa Township!

Have Fun Jamming!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have a stone item!
It is.....
A Stone Sink! 
It is at Outback Imports for 400 gems.
The DE gave us a post about
Jammer Art for Big Cats!
Here is today's video from Arosebuddy!
Here is LPS Spotlight on...
Picture from LPSfunblog
#339 Ranch Cat!
This was from the Raceabout ranch playset with 
2 horses.
She is Brooke Hayes from LPS Popular.
That is all of LPS Spotlight!
See you next Wednesday!
We are doing a Pumpkin Mask Giveaway 
to the ones that were Jammer of the Week Before!

We are giving them to anyone of these people 
for their kindness!
Hailey78623, Frozenwolf114, LegendarySkittle, or XXneongalaxy!
It will end on Sunday on my CP blog!
There is nothing leaving today.

 Have Fun Jamming!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trapped Phantom/How small is the smallest monkey?

Hey Snoodle Jammers! Our new item was a Monthly Member Gift before.
It is ...
Trapped Phantoms!
They are shaped like a circle and a square.
They are at the Diamond Shop for 1 Diamond.
The DE gave us a post about
How small is the smallest monkey from Dr. Brady Barr!
Here is today's video from Macy Lee!

Here is Fashion Tuesday!
This week's fashion idea is....
A Cutie Fox!
Fox: 1000 gems
Sun Hat: Trade system
Gem Encrusted Necklace: 1500 gems
Designer Skirt: Trade System
Rare Spike Wristband: Trade System
Raccoon Tail: Trade System
Pet Bunny: 400 gems
Accessories: 200 gems
There you have it! Our Cutie Fox!
See you next Tuesday!
Snoodle's Extras Tomorrow!

Have Fun Jamming!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Rare Beard/Extras on CP Blog!

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We have a returning rare, but a different color! 
It is....
A Rare Beard!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 400 gems!
The DE gave us a post about
the rare!

Here is today's video from GameTiper3!
Here is Play Wild Monday!
This week's den idea is....
A Plushie & Pet Egyptian House!
First, Get Egyptain Items at the store.
Next, Get Plushies and Adopt Pets.
Then, Get the Coral Canyons Wallpaper and Floor.
Last, Dress up your pets!
There you have it! Our Egyptian House!
See you next Monday!
The Vine Lamppost is leaving!
Hurry up and buy it!
Snoodle's Extras will now 
be on my Club Penguin Blog!

Have Fun Jamming!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Gold Phantoms are back/Compare to Gold Puffle

Hey Snoodle Jammers! We got another returning item, But famous people have it.
It is....
A Gold Phantom!
It is at the Diamond Shop for 1 diamond.
The DE gave us a post about
the Gold Phantoms!
Here is today's video from USAPenguinTV!
Here is our Jammer of the Week!
This week's Jammer is....
He is such a very funny Jammer!
That is all of our Jammer of the Week!
See you next week!
The Inline Skates is having a last day!
Hurry up and buy it!
Well, we are comparing the Gold Phantom 
with the Gold Puffle from Club Penguin.
The Gold Phantom is a statue and you can 
get it at the Diamond Shop!
The Gold Puffle is living and you can 
get it by digging up Gold Nuggets with your puffle.
That is all of our Comparison 
with the Gold Puffle!

Have Fun Jamming!

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