Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a couple of new items!
They are...
Halo at Jam Mart Clothing,
Candy Bowl at Jam Mart Furniture,
Skeleton Suit and Airplane Wings at Bahari Bargains,
And Feathered Mask at Epic Wonders.
Here is our update!
Pet Owls are Back!
There is now 400 den slots!
Jammers can put in 300 items!
Night of the Phantoms Items are on sale!
It is leaving in a few weeks!
A new animal is coming!
It might be a polar bear!
The DE gave us 2 posts!
Pet Owls,
And Animals in Costumes.
Here is today's video from CPMemoriesVideos!
Here is Beta Item Thursday!
Today's Beta Item is....
Zios Masks!
Zios Masks were at Epic Wonders and
some people have it.
It is earned in the Forgotten Desert.
That is Beta Item Thursday!
See you next Thursday!
There is Candy Bowls around Jamaa!
Take a candy and have a snack!
Today, I got 1500 gems!
AJHQ granted them for me!
That is BOOTIFUL!!!!!