Welcome to Animal Jam Mercury! I hope Peridot does not take over the Animal Jam Mercury! Make sure to use the code BEANO to get 1000 gems!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pet Sugar Gliders/Happy Birthday AJ!

                     Hey Snoodle Jammers! Well, its UPDATE DAY!!!!! We got a new item for a claw.
                                                                  It is..................
THE BUNNY CLAW! It is at the Diamond Shop for 3 Diamonds.
Here is our update!
First, we got Pet Sugar Gliders at the Diamond Shop!
Aww, they are so cute! They cost 3 diamonds too!
                                          IT IS AJ's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Use the code AJBDAY4
                                                               to get a 4th birthday cake!
                                                Make sure to go to the AJ Birthday Party!
Go to Jam Mart for Egyptian items!
 Go to the Diamond Shop to see the new Diamond Armor!

Make sure to check back for new Egyptian items!
The Beta Party is leaving today.

The Summer Carnival is leaving for the season so 
every accessory is on SALE!!!!!!
Make sure you shop at Animal Jam Outfitters!!!!!!
The DE gave us a post about the 
new Sugar Gliders.
Here is today's video from AllyMia AJ!
Here is Beta Item Thursday!
We are learning about...
Candy Cane Ties were a advent calender gift in 
2013. They are used by people now and they trade them.
See you next Thursday!
The Horseshoe Set is leaving!
Hurry up and buy it!

                                                 Have Fun Jamming!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Greely Portrait / AJ's Birthday

                                                    Hey Snoodle Jammers! So, our new item is......
A GREELY PORTRAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is 400 gems at Jam Mart Furniture.
The DE gave us a post about
Jammer Art for Back to School!

Here is today's video from Vita Rainbow!
Here is LPS Spotlight!
Our LPS is......
Cutest Pets!
Cutest Pets are LPS that are like Fuzzy ones, baby ones, 
or of course, regular LPS.
So, this is just a short spotlight! Bye!
Nothing is leaving today.
I would just tell you about AJ's birthday.
it is going to be 4 years old tomorrow!
The AJ Birthday Party should come up this year.

Have Fun Jamming!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Graham Portrait / Back to School Post!

                                  Hey Snoodle Jammers! So, we have a new item! It is.........
A GRAHAM PORTRAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 400 gems.
The DE gave us a post about 
otters from Dr. Tierney Thys!
Here is today's video from Puppylover863!
Here is our Fashion Tuesday!
So, our fashion idea is.....
Crocodile: 1000 gems
Sunglasses: Trading System
Candy Cane Tie: Trading System
Backpack: 400 gems
High Top Sneakers: 400 gems
Raccoon Tail: 2500 Tickets
There you have it! Our Back to School Crocodile! 
See you next Tuesday!
The Four Square Court is leaving!
Hurry up and buy it!

Have Fun Jamming!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Rare Paradise Couch / Late Post Tomorrow!

                        Hey Snoodle Jammers! Its Rare Item Monday! So, Today's Rare is..........
                                       A RARE PARADISE COUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                               It is at Jam Mart Furniture for 900 gems.
                                                 It would look nice in a Paradise themed den.
                                                    The DE Posted about the rare today.  
Here is today's video from Aluriya!
It is Play Wild Monday!
This Week's Play Wild Monday is.....
First, Add a lot of items like these.
Next, Trade and buy them.
Then, Add plushies and pets.
Last, Put in today's rare!
There you have it! Your Very own Fuzzy Log Cabin!
See you all next Monday!
The Tetherball is leaving!
Hurry up and buy it!
Late Post on Tuesday! First Day of School!

Have Fun Jamming!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Backpack is Back/Double Gem Payout!

                                      Hey Snoodle Jammers! An item is back today! IT IS........
THE BACKPACK!!!!!!!!!!
It is perfect for all jammers and back to 
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 400 gems.
The DE Gave us a post about
Phantom Fighter for a Double Gem Payout!
Here is today's video from LPSLover12!

Well our Jammer of the Week is.....
She is so cool and spikey!
See you next Sunday!
The Pencil Table is leaving in 3 days
so hurry up and buy it!

Have Fun Jamming!

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