Welcome to Animal Jam Mercury! I hope Peridot does not take over the Animal Jam Mercury! Make sure to use the code BEANO to get 1000 gems!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ram Horns + Dreamgirl365's Support

                                   Hey Jammers! Thegreatanimaljammer or Snoodle here!
                                                              So the new item is......
RAM HORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are at Jam Mart Clothing for 500 Gems.

Here is a video from Dreamgirl365!!! Pioneer was on here!
She is so happy!
I was very kind and supportive!
Here is a new video with Mythical and Fuzzy!
The Koi Pond is leaving in 2 Days so Don't Forget
to buy it!!!!!!
The Daily Explorer also gave us info about Forgotten Animals Jammer Art!

Have Fun Jamming!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

First Post/Cosmo Portrait

                        Hey Jammers of around the world! I am new here. U ALL KNOW ME AS                                                                             THEGREATANIMALJAMMER. I joined in January 2013.
                                                           So, our new item is ........
                                                  A COSMO PORTRAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                         It's in Jam Mart Furniture, and for 400 gems!!!!!!!!!
                                            Make sure to purchase it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                        As so, The Trident is having it's last day today.
                                                 So hurry up and buy it at Bahari Bargains for 300 Gems!!
                                              Plus, The Daily Explorer gave us info about Den Preview!                                                                                       ALSO ABOUT OTTERS!!!!!
                                                                   COME HERE!!!!!!!

Did you also notice the otter badge?   Have fun Jamming!!!!!!!!!!

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