Welcome to Animal Jam Mercury! I hope Peridot does not take over the Animal Jam Mercury! Make sure to use the code BEANO to get 1000 gems!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Silly Winter Hat/Minibook Trophy Challenge!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
A Silly Winter Hat!
It is at Shiveer Shoppe for 400 gems.
The DE gave us a diamond challenge for
Minibook Trophy Challenge!
Here is Weekly Overview!
Here is everything we did this week!
That was Weekly Overview!

Have Fun!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Friendship bag/Animal Jam's Refund Policy

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
A Friendship Bag!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 500 gems.
The DE gave us a tip about
Animal Jam's Refund Policy!
No Mystery Friday today.

Have Fun!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Heart Earrings/News Crew Cold Weather Do's & Don'ts!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
Heart Earrings!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 600 gems.
The DE gave us a News Crew
for Cold Weather Do's And Don'ts!
No Beta Item Thursday today.

Have Fun!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Heart Wand/Jammer Art Animals Sledding!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
A Heart Wand!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 400 gems.
The DE gave us a Jammer Art for
Animals Sledding!
Here is LPS Spotlight!
This week's LPS is...
Totally Talented Stars & Limo Set!
This set includes a limo,
Penny Ling, a cat, and a giraffe.
That was LPS Spotlight!

Have Fun!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Heart Balloon/Show Your Shark Appreciation!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
A Heart Balloon!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 250 gems.
The DE gave us an AJHQ Spotlight for
Show Your Shark Appreciation!
No Fashion Tuesday today.

Have Fun!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Rare Sparkly Shoes/DE Post!

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new rare!
It is...
Rare Sparkly Shoes!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 1200 gems.
Here is a redo of the rare!
The DE gave us a post about the rare.
No  Play Wild Monday today.

Have Fun!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Heart Cape/Chain Reaction Contraption

Hey Snoodle Jammers!
We got a new item!
It is...
A Heart Cape!
It is at Jam Mart Clothing for 300 gems.
The DE gave us an AJA for
Chain Reaction Contraption!
Here is Jammer of the Week!
This week's Jammer is...
This Jammer looks nice!
That was Jammer of the Week!

Have Fun!

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